Privacy Notice

British Gymnastics Privacy Notice – Membership

Your privacy is extremely important to British Gymnastics and we are fully committed to providing you with clear and transparent information about how we use your personal information. We value the trust you give us when sharing your personal information. We will ensure robust measures are in place to keep your information secure and will only use it for the purposes outlined in this notice.

You can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at or at British Gymnastics, Lilleshall NSC, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 9AT if you have any questions.

This notice applies to our members, which includes gymnasts, coaches, judges, welfare officers and other club officials. It also applies to any other individual who provides their information when registering a member e.g. someone with parental responsibility for the member.

We provide additional privacy notices for members who are also:

  • World Class Performance athletes or national squad members.
  • Applying to work for us or for a Non-Executive Director role.
  • Employed by us.
  • Have a contract for services with us.
  • Are a representative of a club, affiliated or partner organisation.
  • Are applying for or have been accepted onto our Apprenticeship Programme.

About us

British Gymnastics is a not-for-profit membership organisation and the National Governing Body for the sport of gymnastics across the UK.

We have a wholly British Gymnastics-owned subsidiary company Gymnastics Enterprises Limited (GEL) that provides British Gymnastics merchandise, awards and resources and ticketing for some British Gymnastics events. Although British Gymnastics and GEL, trading as British Gymnastics Official Shop are separate companies, we work together closely to support your relationship with both organisations.

British Gymnastics has also established the Amateur British Gymnastics Investment Fund (ABGI) which is a partnership between British Gymnastics and Sporting Assets to provide investment to support the development and enhancement of club training facilities.

We also support The British Gymnastics Foundation (BGF), which is a registered charity set up by British Gymnastics, that provides grants to British Gymnastics members and supports community gymnastics activities.

Affiliated organisations

Each Home Country has a gymnastics association that affiliates to British Gymnastics These bodies receive funding from the applicable home country sport council to support the delivery or their activities.

If you are connected to a club based in Scotland, your membership will be with Scottish Gymnastics but through our partnership agreement you will also hold membership of British Gymnastics.

If your club is based in Wales, you will become a member of both British Gymnastics and Welsh Gymnastics.

Some membership services are provided jointly with British Gymnastics and other services are provided independently by British Gymnastics or the home country association, for example each organisationoperates their own competitive gymnasts programmes but work together for the purposes of supporting members to maintain or work towards coaching qualifications, judging awards or to hold or become a licensed member of our education workforce.

The purposes for which your personal data is used are determined jointly by the applicable organisations and we have data sharing agreements in place that ensure each organisation uses your data fairly and lawfully in accordance with data protection law.

Although purposes such as safeguarding and insurance are provided jointly by British Gymnastics and Welsh Gymnastics, significant differences in the legal frameworks in Scotland compared with England and Wales, means that Scottish Gymnastics have different policy and member rules e.g. there are different conditions that apply to adults working with children and Scottish members insurance is provided solely through Scottish Gymnastics.

Click here for our membership rules

Scottish Gymnastics and Welsh Gymnastics privacy notices provide detailed information on how your personal data is used as applicable.

Click here to access Scottish Gymnastics Privacy Notice

Click here to access Welsh Gymnastics Privacy Notice

English Gymnastics and the Northern Ireland Gymnastics Association have clubs rather than individuals as their members, for whom they provide access to a range of gymnastics activities. British Gymnastics receives funding directly from Sport England and Northern Ireland Sport and provides equivalent services to English and NI based clubs and members.

The following organisations are also British Gymnastics affiliates:

  • 10 English Regional Gymnastics Associations;
  • Isle of Man Gymnastics Association; and
  • British Schools Gymnastics Association.

British Gymnastics affiliated organisations can utilise the British Gymnastics online competition and event entry system, which provides an automated entry system and verifying membership status. Affiliated organisations also have access to a dedicated area for their organisation on the British Gymnastics website and support services.


Registered clubs

When you join British Gymnastics and the home country equivalent (as applicable), you can, if you wish, attach your membership to one or more of our registered gymnastics club(s) where you participate in gymnastics. When you do so will provide confirmation to your club of your membership status and primary contact details.

Our online registration platform provides a mechanism for clubs to collect information they require you to provide for their club activities. …

In these circumstances, the club is the controller of your personal data and we will display the club’s privacy notices at the point that you provide your personal information Neither British Gymnastics nor the relevant home country association (as applicable) uses the information for any purposes but British Gymnastics remains responsible, for ensuring the information you provide is held securely.


This privacy notice explains:

  • What information we collect about you and how we obtain it
  • Our legal reason for processing your personal information
  • How we use your information for contractual purposes
  • How we use information about you for legitimate interests
  • Our marketing activities
  • Other lawful reasons for using information about you
  • Why we share information about you

· How long we keep information about you

  • Transfers of data out of the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • Your rights in respect of your personal information
  • Changes to our privacy notice
  • How to contact us

What information we collect about you and how we obtain it

When you register as a British Gymnastics member or renew your membership (or you register or renew on behalf of your child or on behalf of an adult who does not have the capacity to manage their own personal data), we need to collect information about you. Some of this information is essential for us in order to provide your membership but it is your choice whether you provide all the information we have requested. If you don’t provide this information, it may affect our ability to provide all the membership benefits to you.

  • Member name (and account holder name if you are registering on behalf of someone) and preferred title.
  • Date of birth and gender.
  • Contact details (telephone, email and postal address).

· Details of any assistance accessed to complete registration independently

  • Confirmation that a member over 18 does not have the mental capacity to complete the membership process.
  • Role(s) you undertake in the sport e.g. parent, gymnast, coach, judge, club manager and welfare officer.
  • Whether you are a competitive gymnast and the home country you would represent.
  • Name of any club(s) to which you wish to be attached (if this is required).
  • The nature of your participation in the sport. This includes the number of hours and days you spend participating in the sport and the type of gymnastics in which you/your child participate(s).
  • Your equality profile (or the member’s profile if you are registering on someone else’s behalf). This includes sex, gender identity, disability, ethnicity/race, religion/belief and sexual orientation (only for members who complete their own membership).
  • IP address and other electronic identifiers.

Your account is web-based so when you log in, the system keeps a record of your Internet Protocol (IP) address (a unique set of numbers that identifies one or more devices on a computer network), browser identifier and the time of access.

Click here for information on the cookies we use on our website

We also collect the following other information about you. Most of this information will come directly from you (or someone with authority to act on your behalf) or will be provided by your registered club.

Payment and transactional information (if you are paying for your own membership or any other British Gymnastics services) NB: We do not store any credit/debit card details.

  • Records of communications from, to or relating to you including voice recordings.
  • Medical Screening results completed by medical practitioners at your request.
  • Accident or incident reports.
  • Details of gymnastics qualifications/awards you hold and training you have completed.
  • Details relating to criminal record checks (disclosure number and date of the check), ID documents and any criminal offences information (convictions, cautions or official information and warnings) and other relevant additional information e.g. references from former employers or information from probation services.
  • Details of concerns raised about your conduct, including safeguarding concerns, alleged breaches of our rules and drug use/doping concerns.

If you participate in other activities such as volunteering, competitions, festivals, clinics and courses, we will also process other information about you which could include:

  • Passport details.
  • Nationality.
  • Identification documents such as driving license or birth certificate.
  • Photographs and video footage
  • Scores and results.
  • CVs, including information about relevant prior knowledge, skills and experience.
  • Role preferences and availability.
  • References.
  • Your emergency contact details.
  • Medical and health information.
  • Disability type and classification details
  • Specific support needs and adjustments.
  • Education and lifestyle information.
  • Dietary requirements and allergies.
  • Clothing sizes.
  • Social media account ID and messaging service contact details.
  • Feedback/evaluation of an activity.

In some cases, we will be unable to provide our services unless you provide the requested information, but we will tell you at the point of collection if any of the information we are requesting is optional.


Sources of information

Although most information is provided by you or your club, we receive information from other sources including:

  • In a nomination form or reference for an award or role within the organisation.
  • In a grant application you have made to one of our partner organisations where British Gymnastics membership is one of the grant conditions.
  • In a communication, complaint or allegation or as part of a witness statement.
  • In information provided by a statutory authority or regulator such as the police, social care or UK Anti-Doping
  • In a publicly accessible source e.g. a website, on social media or in a media publication.
  • By a British Gymnastics affiliated or partner organisation.
  • By another organisation with your consent.
  • In video footage provided as evidence of prior coaching experience or performance level.
  • In photographs provided by a British Gymnastics authorised photographer.

Our legal reasons for processing your personal information

We will only use information about you when we have a lawful reason to do so. When we process your information, we rely upon one of the following lawful reasons:

  • To comply with a legal obligation;
  • To perform a contract with you or to take steps at your request before entering into a contract with you;
  • To protect your vital interests or those of another individual;
  • When it is in our legitimate interests or those of another third party, providing that these interests are not overridden by your own interests and rights; and
  • With your consent.

Special categories of personal data and criminal convictions/offences data

Special categories of personal data are a category of information that is more sensitive and requires greater protection. Some of the information we process falls into this category (e.g. health/medical data or any information you provide to us about a disability and some equality profile data). It is unlawful for organisations to process this type of information unless an additional legal condition applies.

For certain events or activities, we ask you to provide information about any relevant disabilities and medical conditions. We do so because we have a legal obligation under the Equality Act 2010 to make any reasonable adjustment for individuals with disabilities who need this to be able to access the requested service. We also have a duty of care to ensure it is safe for you or your child to take part in our activities and to keep you/them safe while participating or in an emergency. With your explicit consent, we will review any information you provide and if required we will contact you for further information to enable us to understand how to meet your needs and to complete any required risk assessments. In most cases, we will only retain this information for six months after the event, unless there is another lawful reason why we need to continue to hold this information e.g. for insurance or other claims purposes.

Unless we have your explicit consent, we will only process special category data and/or information about criminal offences if one of the following applies:

  • For archiving, research and statistical purposes;
  • If it is in your vital interests and you are unable to provide consent e.g. if you are unconscious or do not have sufficient mental capacity to give your consent;
  • If we are required to do so to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim; or
  • If there is a substantial public interest to do so. Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 2018 identifies the following substantial public interest conditions that we rely upon:

– Equality of opportunity or treatment;

– Racial and ethnic diversity at senior levels of organisations;

– Support for individuals with a particular disability or medical condition

– Safeguarding of children and individuals at risk

– Anti-doping in Sport

– Standards of behaviour in Sport

How we use your information for contractual purposes

When you register as a British Gymnastics member or ask us to provide another service such as a coaching or judging qualification or any other learning activity for example, a coaching clinic, talent camp or student enrichment programme or you enter a competition (including lower level events aimed at bronze members) or non-competitive event, we need to process your information because it is necessary to provide the service. This includes:

  • Confirming that you have signed up for the service and to inform you of arrangements relating to that service;
  • Confirming that you comply with any registration/entry requirements and terms and conditions, including notifying you of any specific changes;
  • Where relevant, telling you when it is time to renew or re-register;
  • Informing you of results where applicable and sending certification;
  • Processing payments or sending you receipts as required.

Additional information about specific services is provided below.

Registering as a member

When you register as a member of British Gymnastics, we will set up your membership account and use your email as your user name and to send you electronic confirmation of your membership number. We will use your information to provide you with our core member services, including insurance and access to voting (subject to membership type) and other membership services that you request. We will send your membership pack by post but will normally send any essential membership service messages by email. Any communications will be relevant, timely and not excessive. We are not required to share any information about you with our insurers unless you make a claim or are a named party in an accident or incident that gives rise to a claim.

There are some circumstances where appropriate individuals complete the registration process on behalf of the member e.g. someone with parental responsibility on behalf of their child or a responsible adult for a member who does not have sufficient mental capacity to compete the process on their own. Some of our members or parents may have sufficient understanding of the process but need some assistance to complete the process e.g. reading the questions and privacy information, translation etc. We ask for additional information to confirm the reason why another person has registered the member or details of any assistance provided as we have a legal obligation to demonstrate that we can lawfully process the member’s information.

If an account has been set up by a parent and is subsequently reassigned i.e. transferred from the parent to the actual member, any details of the previous account holder will be deleted at the same time.


Member safeguarding requirements

If you register for membership as a coach or act as a welfare officer or any other relevant position, you will need to complete specified mandatory training and criminal record checks as a condition of membership. We need to process your information to confirm that you have completed the training and to facilitate the check and assess any information that is disclosed on the check.

If you undertake a role in British Gymnastics where you are required to complete safeguarding training, we may need to request evidence to confirm you have completed the required training. UK Coaching, who is the main British Gymnastics-approved safeguarding children training provider, will, with your agreement, inform us when you have completed or refreshed this training.

We have a legal obligation to ensure that our members who are over 16 and work or volunteer with children and/or adults at risk have competed a criminal record check and ensure they are suitable to do so. The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 or Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007 provides the legal framework for preventing people who are deemed unsuitable to work with children and/or adults at risk from gaining access to them through their work or voluntary activities. The Act, amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, provides the legal definition of regulated activity with children and adults (i.e. work that a person who has been barred must not do). Our Use of Criminal Records Checks Policy outlines the specific roles where a check is required as a condition of membership.

In England and Wales criminal record checks and barring decisions are the responsibility of the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). These services are provided by Access NI in Northern Ireland.

Click here for the DBS Privacy notice

Click here for the Access NI Privacy notice.

If you have been resident in the UK for fewer than six months, you will need to provide a copy of your criminal record certificate from the country where you were last in residence.

When you apply for a criminal record check, it is necessary to verify your identity. This verification is usually carried out by a designated club official. Access NI requires us to retain copies of your ID documents e.g. your passport, birth certificate, driving licence, utility bill etc. for 90 days after the date of issue of the certificate. After this period, these copies are securely destroyed. The DBS does not require copies of ID documents to be retained. British Gymnastics provides a paper-based application service but contracts GB Group to provide an electronic DBS service on our behalf.

We will receive confirmation that the check is clear and will be provided with the disclosure number and date of issue. If the disclosure is not clear, we will ask you to provide a copy of your disclosure certificate and we will assess the risk that you may pose to others and whether your club needs to implement any specific controls to minimise any risk. This can require us to contact other agencies to obtain further information such as probation services, which we will only do with your consent. We may also need to disclose information to your registered club. You will be consulted as part of any assessment and will be fully informed prior to any information being disclosed to your club. Any criminal records information and other information obtained in connection with an assessment of the disclosed content will be deleted within six months of the date of the check unless the assessment and decision has not been concluded in this time period.


Medical Screening

Some individuals may be at risk of significant harm from participating in gymnastics activity due to a pre-existing condition. In consultation with our insurers there are identified groups of people who may need to be screened by a medical professional prior to taking part in gymnastics activity. As we have a duty of care in this regard, we have a legal obligation to ensure relevant individuals are screened before participating. With your explicit consent, we will review the information you have provided to confirm whether it is safe for you to participate in gymnastics. We will contact you, as necessary, if we have any questions relating to the information provided and to advise you of the screening outcome. We will not use your information for any other purposes unless it is required in connection with a legal process or insurance claim. The screening form will be retained as long as you are a member of British Gymnastics. If you do not become a member or your membership lapses, we will delete the screening form after 12 months unless there is a legitimate and lawful reason to retain this information.


Gymnastics competitions

If you have registered as a competitive member, with your agreement, your club can enter you into a British Gymnastics competition. We will use your membership information to confirm you have been entered in the correct category and meet any other relevant entry criteria for the event. This involves the processing of information about your age, gender, performance, qualification and nationality. Where you have not met the required performance level for a legitimate reason, some competition rules also allow for the submission of video evidence.

Where an event has a restriction based on nationality, we will need to confirm with your club that you are a UK passport holder. If you are not a UK passport holder we also check your address and length of membership as gymnasts who do not hold a valid UK passport may be eligible to compete in some events if they have held British Gymnastics membership for at least one year prior to the date of the competition providing that their sole or main residence is in the UK. Non-British gymnasts may be able to enter some competitions as a guest.



Competitions for members with disabilities

To take part in our competitive programme for people with disabilities, you need to have your disability classified by a medical practitioner who will need to provide details of any formal diagnosis and select the classification profile that best reflects the type and level of your impairment. With your explicit consent, British Gymnastics will use the information to register your disability classification details and confirm your eligibility for any British Gymnastics Disability Competitions you enter and to ensure we support your needs when you enter an event. We may need to contact you, if we have any questions relating to the information you have provided or the support you require. Your classification details will be retained while you are a member of British Gymnastics. If you do not become a member or your membership lapses, we will delete your classification information after 2 years unless there is a legitimate and lawful reason to retain this information.


Coaching and Judging Courses

When you register for a course, we will use your contact information to provide you with information about your course, your assessment and your results.
We will use the additional information you provide to meet your individual learning and support needs during the course and assessment and will use your date of birth to verify that you meet any relevant age criteria for attending the course and holding the qualification.

Any e-learning elements of your course will be provided on the Academy, the British Gymnastics e-learning platform. We will track your progress and maintain a record of the modules you have completed toward your qualification.

Our tutors and assessors are all British Gymnastics members that make up our Education workforce. They are contracted to provide this service on our behalf and are provided training and guidance to ensure they understand their responsibilities under data protection laws. The Workforce members assigned to deliver and assess your course will be provided with your contact details and other relevant information that is necessary to record your attendance and meet your needs during the course and assessment. Your information is shared securely via the Academy. Any theory papers will be retained by the assessor for up to two years for verification purposes and in the event of any appeal.

If you are undertaking a UKCC Level 1 or 2 coaching course in England,Wales or Northern Ireland these courses are provided in partnership with 1st4Sport who is the external awarding body and will be responsible for making decisions about your individual support needs and responding to any complaints or correspondence relating to the course and any appeals.

Validation of an overseas qualification

If you are a coach or judge whose qualifications and experience were gained in another country and have applied to become a member of British Gymnastics, we will process information about you, at your request, to determine the equivalent British Gymnastics qualification to enable you to coach in a British Gymnastics recognised environment. If we are unable to verify a coaching qualification, you can provide video evidence to demonstrate your capabilities.

International festivals, competitions and events

Sometimes our members can register to attend international events on our behalf including festivals, courses and competitions which involves entering into a contact with British Gymnastics. For example, clubs have the opportunity to enter members to represent British Gymnastics in international festivals including the FIG World Gymnaestrada which is an international mass participation event for gymnasts. Other members and parents can also attend in various roles. Registration for Gymnaestrada is done through clubs who are responsible for providing detailed information about the event and associated terms and conditions. If you sign up to attend the Gymnaestrada, your club will collect and provide to us the additional information we require to register you for the event and to book accommodation, flights and make other arrangements for the trip. Unless you regularly travel internationally for British Gymnastics, we will delete your passport information immediately after the event.

We will need to submit information about you to the local organiser (generally another international gymnastics or sport federation), such as your date of birth, gender, contact details, club and occasionally your passport details or nationality.

Promotions, prize draws or competition

If you enter one of our member prize competitions, we will contact you if you are a prize winner. We will only publish identifiable information about you with your consent.

How we use information about you for legitimate purposes

We process personal information about you where we or another organisation has a legitimate interest to do so. The purposes include:

  • Disclosing your membership information to registered and affiliated gymnastics organisations

British Gymnastics membership rules require that any individuals who take part in club gymnastics or wishes to take part in a relevant activity or event run by an affiliated or registered organisation to be a member of British Gymnastics.

If you attach your membership to one or more British Gymnastics registered clubs, we will confirm to the club(s) your membership status. If you are a coach and have attached your membership to a club, we will also advise the club if any of the mandatory requirements for coaching children are due to expire e.g. criminal record checks and safeguarding training.

If you register for a competition or event that is organised by an affiliated organisation or another organisations whose events are insured by British Gymnastics or apply for a grant when British Gymnastics membership is a condition of participation, we will confirm to the provider if you hold British Gymnastics membership and any additional information required to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria to take part in the event. Any information shared will be limited to what is necessary to achieve this purpose. This may include date of birth, qualifications and confirmation that you meet any relevant compliance/safeguarding requirements.

If you are a judge, we will, share your name, judging award details and contact information with the relevant affiliated organisation so that they can invite you to judge at appropriate competitions.

  • Providing a single-sign-on to enable you to use your British Gymnastics account to access all of our online services including the British Gymnastics official shop.

To provide you with a seamless service, you can access all of our online services using the same account and password. If you are logged into your member account and you go onto the British Gymnastics official shop website, your name, membership status and contact details will be automatically available to GEL to enable you to purchase items using your British Gymnastics account, benefiting from any member offers and discounts available at the time from British Gymnastics Official Shop and giving you access to products that are restricted to members or specific membership groups to which you belong. If you are not already signed into your member account, you can log into your British Gymnastics account on the shop website or, if you do not wish your information to be shared with GEL, you can make purchases by checking out as a guest.

  • Responding to your questions, requests and support needs you raise in person or by telephone, email or letter or via our website including our online chat service or through our social media accounts.

If you contact us requesting specific information, we will respond to you using the contact information we hold. This includes responding to ‘registration of interest’ requests and if you ask us to notify you when there is availability for an oversubscribed service e.g. a coaching course or clinic.

We will maintain a log of any important calls, emails and correspondence requesting support on your membership record. Please refer to the British Gymnastics Website Privacy notice for information on communications using our Live chat or helpdesk services.

We may compile anonymous statistical reports showing information like the number and type of query and how they have been resolved. Occasionally we will use information provided to develop case studies for learning and development purposes. We will be very careful to ensure that any information that could identify a person will be removed or changed to preserve anonymity.

  • To enable logistical arrangements for coaches and officials to attend training camps and Competitions (domestic and international)

It you are invited or selected to attend a training camp or representative competition, you will be asked to provide relevant information to enable us to provide you with any clothing/uniform and make travel and accommodation arrangements on your behalf. Where a competition or event is organised locally, we will share any necessary information with the local organising committee (usually an international gymnastics or sport federation) for entry, accreditation or licensing purposes. This usually included information such as your date of birth, gender, contact details and occasionally your passport details. We will not share any health information.

· Managing overly persistent contact

On occasion it is necessary to impose restrictions on your communications with us to protect the welfare of our staff and to prevent disproportionate time and resource allocation. We will maintain a record of all communications and the steps taken to try to modify your behaviour, which include requiring you to communicate only though a specific individual, limit the frequency of your communications and automatically diverting your email communications.

Any information that you provide about your health or personal circumstances that may have a bearing on your complaining behaviour, will only be processed with your explicit consent. Further information is provided in our Customer Complaints & Resolutions Policy & Procedure.

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of our communications and IT systems.

We monitor whether our electronic communications are received and opened. We also use your IP address to analyse the number of users who are accessing the IT systems at any one time and the types of device being used. This information helps us to make improvements to our systems and communications. We would not normally use IP addresses to identify individuals except if this is deemed to be necessary to investigate problems or potential misuse of the system.

  • Understanding member needs and monitoring the nature and level of participation

We need to understand how our members engage in the sport to help develop and monitor our strategy and develop our services. We also monitor the pathway of participants in activities such as the Leadership Academy which is a club-based programme where clubs register their club members and record their achievements and our Apprentice Programme. We receive funding support from UK Sport and the English and Northern Ireland sport councils to support the delivery of participation and high performance programmes. We must provide regular information to these funding partners to demonstrate that we have achieved the agreed targets. Generally, information is provided in an anonymised format.

  • Statistical monitoring of the equality profile of our membership to assess whether our services are accessible and to measure the impact of interventions to promote inclusion

We are committed to promoting equality and diversity at every level of the sport and believe that none of our members should be discriminated against or receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation (known as the ‘Protected Characteristics’ under the Equality Act 2010). We aim to ensure our services are fully inclusive and accessible to everyone. To make this possible we need to collect information on the equality profile of our membership which will help us review the accessibility of our services. Your equality profile is confidential and will only be accessible to our data analysts to create anonymous reports and to IT staff for system maintenance purposes. This data is very important to us as it enhances our understanding of member needs and helps us to monitor the impact of initiatives we implement to increase participation. We appreciate that not everyone is comfortable to share this information so every question allows you to respond by selecting the “prefer not to say” option. We will confirm that you understand and agree for your equality profile information to be used for anonymous statistical purposes. If you change your mind, you can view and amend your responses in ‘my account’ at any time. For your protection, you will be required to re-enter your password to provide a second layer of security for this information.

Accurate information on the equality profile of our membership helps us identify areas of under-representation. We look at the percentage of our members that fall into specific protected characteristics and the services accessed and/or the nature of participation. This information is compared against national or local census data to establish whether we are representative of the community we aim to serve. This information is vital as it helps us identify where we need to target equality initiatives and inclusion strategies. You can find more information in our equality monitoring FAQs.

Occasionally we send postal marketing to our members information about a product or service we think might be of interest. We will only send information that is related to the sport and that we think you would reasonably expect to receive from us as it reflects our brand and values. If you ask us not to send you marketing by post, we will stop.

  • Seeking feedback from you about our services

If you attend one of our events or participate in one of our courses or activities, we may ask you to provide your views on this experience which we will use to improve this service. We often use Survey Monkey so we can gather your feedback electronically such as at the end of one of our e-learning courses. You can provide this information to us anonymously but if you would like us to contact you about your feedback, you can provide your name and contact details.

  • Understanding what other gymnastics activities or products are of interest to our members.

With your agreement, external organisations who run major events on our behalf will share information with British Gymnastics about who has purchased tickets for an event, gymnastics resources and merchandise or has received support from a BGF funding initiative. This helps us to understand who is attending our events and measure the success of our events and product promotions that are directed at members.

  • Inviting you to participate in British Gymnastics research.

On occasion, we invite our members to join our insight community or to participate in research to help us understand your views and needs and to develop our products and services. Your participation is completely voluntary. We will provide full information about the nature of the research and you can choose whether you wish to participate. We will generally contact you by email inviting you to participate.

If you consent to signing up to our insight community, which is provided on our behalf by Vision Critical UK, you will need to provide your email address and create a user name and password. You can use a pseudonym instead of your real name, so you are not identifiable to other participants. Community Voice is web-based so when you log in, the system keeps a record of your Internet Protocol (IP) address (a unique set of numbers that identifies one or more devices on a computer network), browser identifier and the time of access. Once you have registered you will be invited by email to participate in individual surveys and group discussion forums, usually moderated by the British Gymnastics Insight team. Your participation is completely voluntary. You will be asked about your views and experiences of new and existing British Gymnastics products and services. We will use the responses provided to create anonymised insight to inform the products and services we provide. If you no longer wish to participate in Community Voice, you can deactivate your account at any time. We will retain your data whilst your account remains active but if you de-activate your account, your data will be fully deleted within 90 days.

  • Recognising the contribution of British Gymnastics members

We like to recognise and honour the efforts made by members as gymnasts or in supporting others to take part and have a positive experience in the sport. We hold an annual award ceremony and invite our registered clubs and affiliated organisations to nominate individual members who have made a significant contribution to the sport and provide information to support the nomination. We will use the information provided to prepare a short list and select the winners who will be contacted by post unless we have the relevant member’s agreement to send marketing communications by email. We also maintain a VIP list of members, including former gymnastics who have made a significant contribution to gymnastics or sport in general who we will contact to invite to relevant major events.

  • Receiving and sharing nominations for Committees and other member groups

As a membership association we frequently look to our members to participate in our committees and consultative groups or to represent the organisation in external roles. If you wish to apply to participate, we would usually ask you to provide a copy of your CV including information about your skills and experience for the role. For some roles, particularly those where selection is determined by voting, CVs will be shared with relevant affiliated or external organisations to enable them to confirm their preferred candidate(s).

  • Presentation and photography and videoing at our large public events

At our large public events such as competitions, festivals or our annual awards dinner, we will take photographs and capture video footage of the event. British Gymnastics accredited photographers and the media may be present and in some cases events may be live streamed by our TV production team, BGTV. We may also take photographs and video at large events run by other organisations e.g. international competitions. The images taken at these events may be used by British Gymnastics, GEL and the British Gymnastics Foundation for the purposes of promotion, education and development of the sport. They may also be shared with journalists, through social media outlets e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc. and our sponsors and partner organisations for general promotional purposes.

For British Gymnastics events we will provide information about photography and filming arrangements for specific events at the time of entry and will display clear signage and make announcements at the event. Any footage of children and individuals who are vulnerable will be published in accordance with our relevant safeguarding policy. In all other circumstances, we will ask your consent prior to taking photos or video.

To make our events entertaining and easy to follow for our audience and fans, we announce and publish information about participants, including nationality, scores and achievements.

The results of British Gymnastics competitions are published on our website and in our BG Score App and on our video sharing platform which is hosted on our behalf by Kaltura. Videos of routines performed by participating gymnasts taking part in our major events are made available on the BG Score App but access is restricted to British Gymnastics members.

We generally retain event photographs and videos for five years unless they have been used in a specific asset that has a longer lifespan e.g. a learning resource. After five years, the footage will be reviewed and deleted unless we consider them to be of public interest and should consequently be archived for historical purposes. Where images have been published on social media, these platform providers may continue to process your data after the retention period has lapsed.

  • Inviting you to British Gymnastics meetings or to present, coach, judge, train or officiate at relevant British Gymnastics activities or events.

As a membership organisation, we rely on the significant contribution made by members who sit on our national committees or working groups or who volunteer or take part as a gymnast (e.g. as a demonstrator or in a display) at our events and courses. We will contact you to invite you to relevant meetings and where you have indicated an interest, to ask you to provide your assistance at our events in line with your role, qualifications/awards and/or performance.

  • To respond to complaints, concerns or allegations about anyone involved in the delivery of gymnastics activity

When we receive a complaint, concern or allegation, we create a case file containing the details of the matter raised. Case files are held securely and are not accessible on your membership record, particularly as the file normally contains not only the identity of the complainant but also other individuals involved in the complaint and other relevant non-personal information.

We will only use the personal information we collect to investigate and respond to the case and to monitor the service we provide. We usually need to share the complainant’s identity with whoever the complaint is about and in many cases, this will be clear from other details provided in the complaint. If a complainant does not want information identifying him or her to be disclosed, we will try to proceed but it is often not possible to handle a complaint on an anonymous basis.

Where a complaint is extremely serious, where appropriate all necessary information will be shared with the relevant statutory or regulatory authority e.g. Police, Adult or Children’s Social Care or UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and consideration will be given as to whether it is appropriate to suspend membership of the person under investigation pending the outcome of enquiries. Where it is deemed proportionate to do so, we will share limited but adequate information with relevant affiliated organisations and/or registered clubs to which the member is associated to ensure our other members are protected.

In some cases, British Gymnastics may take disciplinary action against a member. These proceedings are normally held in private, but we may publish the outcome of proceedings where there is a legitimate interest that overrides the interests of the individual in keeping the outcome private. To safeguard others, we will also notify the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) Safeguarding Unit, European Gymnastics and the Gymnastics Ethics Foundation (all based in Switzerland) of disciplinary findings and sanctions where appropriate and proportionate to do so.

We may compile anonymous statistical reports showing information like the number and type of complaints and outcomes. Occasionally we will use information provided in complaints to develop case studies for learning and development purposes. We will be very careful to ensure that any information that could identify a person involved in the case will be removed or changed to preserve anonymity.

  • Archiving photographs and video footage, results and other information that we consider to be in the public interest as they highlight key events and provide an historical record of the sport.

We have carried out legitimate interest assessments (LIA) to ensure that the above processing activities are necessary and are carried out in a way that ensures a balance our interests and those of any other relevant third parties in processing information about you and your own individual interests, rights and freedoms in respect of this information. As part of these assessments, we have identified appropriate safeguards, especially to protect the interest of data subjects who are children. We can provide details of these assessments on request.

You have the right to object to any of the processing we undertake based on legitimate interests because of your own individual circumstances. We will stop processing your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, which override your individual interests, rights and freedoms or we need to continue to process your information in connection with a legal claim. If you wish to object to any of the processing activities we undertake based on legitimate interests, you can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) or use our objections form . Please bear in mind that in some cases, if you object this may affect our ability to carry out the tasks above for your benefit.


With your consent, we will use your email address to send you the latest news and information about gymnastics that we believe may be of interest to you and in accordance with your stated preferences. We use Dotmailer to send our communications.

It is our legitimate interest to ensure that we only send you information that we believe with be of interest to you. By looking at your role and participation profile as well as any other relevant personal information you have provided, we can identify news, offers and services that are most likely to be most relevant and will meet your needs as a member. These communications will include relevant newsletters, information about opportunities, products, services and events and relevant information from our sponsors and partner organisations.

When we send you marketing communications, we monitor whether you have opened the communication and clicked on any included links. This will enable us to track and analyse your level of engagement/interest in the communication we are sending you and will provide us with further insight on what type of communications are most of interest to you.

If you agree to marketing, and later change your mind, you can opt out at any point, by amending your preferences in ‘My Account’. Alternatively, you can use the ‘Unsubscribe’ link at the end of the electronic communication, but this will unsubscribe you from all marketing communications. Please note that you may still receive communications for a short period after changing your preferences, but this will stop as soon as our systems are updated.

Marketing from Gymnastics Enterprises Ltd (GEL) trading as British Gymnastics official shop

With your consent, we will share your information with GEL so that you can be added to the British Gymnastics Official Shop email marketing list to receive information from GEL about their gymnastics merchandise, resources and events. If you agree to receiving marketing from GEL and later change your mind, you can unsubscribe using the link in the GEL communication or withdraw your consent by contacting GEL.

Click here to access GEL Privacy Notice


Marketing from the British Gymnastics Foundation (BGF)

With your consent, we will also share your information with BGF who may send you emails about their charitable objectives and activities. BGF have their own database so once your information is shared with BGF, you will need to them if you wish them to delete your information. Alternatively, you can unsubscribe from these emails using the link at the end of the BGF email.

Click here to access BGF Privacy Notice


Other lawful reasons for using information about you

We may need to process information about you to comply with a legal or statutory obligation. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Accounting, auditing, compliance and administration practices.
  • To maintain records of amendments to consents and to create suppression lists to ensure people who object to processing are excluded from the relevant processing activity.

Why we share information about you

We may need to share limited personal information with the following other organisations:

  • Statutory/regulatory authorities and other organisations

On occasion, it may be necessary to share information with bodies such as the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or Access NI and the NSPCC, Police or Children’s/Adult’s services. We may also share information with other organisations to safeguard children or adults at risk. Any information that is shared will be strictly limited to what is required to ensure children are protected from harm and will be carried out in accordance with the law and relevant government guidance.

  • Professional and legal advisors
  • International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), European Gymnastics and other gymnastics or sport providers

If you are in contention for a place in the World Games, European Games, Olympic games or other Major Championships, we will share your information with respective organising committees. We will need to share your personal information, including your contact details, clothing size and passport information. We will not share any health information.

  • UK Sport and Home Country Sports Councils/Sports Institutes

If there is a legitimate interest in doing so, we will share information about you with sports councils or sports institutes, for example to enable you to access funding or services

  • External service providers who are contracted to provide specific services on our behalf

We use the services of third-party providers to help us in areas such as:

  • Electronic communications e.g. Dotmailer
  • Fulfilment services e.g. Synergy who prepares and distribute your membership pack
  • Research e.g. Survey Monkey which we use for post course feedback and Vision Critical who hosts our insight community

IT services and cloud storage e.g. Microsoft 365 and Google Drive which we use at our Events

  • Providing learning and development activities
  • Photography and filming activities
  • Travel and events management e.g. ATPI UK who co-ordinates these arrangements for the FIG World Gymnaestrada

In some case, we may be required to share your personal information, such as your contact details with the external provider. We limit the personal data that we share to the minimum required to provide the service and the provider will only be able to use personal data for the specific purposes for which it was shared. If we stop using the service we ensure your data is deleted or securely returned to us.


How long we keep information about you

We will retain your personal data only as necessary to provide the services to which you have subscribed or where we have another legitimate and lawful reason to do so. At your request or if you do not renew your membership within two years, we will delete any information that we no longer have a reason to retain, unless you ask us not to.

We retain some information to comply with our legal obligations such as financial/accounting records which need to be retained for six years in line with UK tax law.

We need to retain sufficient information about you in the event of an insurance claim in the future so that we can identify you and confirm that you held membership for the relevant period. We may need to retain other information to comply with legal or statutory requirements, some of which are highlighted in this notice. In addition, we may also need to retain information relating to your conduct as part of our regulatory responsibilities, the times of which will vary dependent on the nature of the concern and whether this is any potential risk to others associated with these concerns.

As the reason for retaining certain types of information varies, the retention periods can vary significantly. Please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) if you require any further information on specific retention periods.

Transfers of data out of the EEA

We transfer your personal information to third-party data processors who are based in the countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

We use some US-based companies that provide services such as data analytics and our video sharing platform. We will rely on Standard Contractual Clauses for these transfers but will implement additional safeguards for the any transferred data

We will not transfer your information to any processors based in other countries outside the EEA unless there is a European Commission adequacy decision for the specific country to which the data is transferred or where we can be certain that there are adequate safeguards provided for your information and individual rights standards that meet the GDPR requirements.

International activities

Sometimes British Gymnastics members have the opportunity to attend events that are taking place outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Although some countries have been approved as having equivalent standards to the protections provided within the EEA, if this is not the case, we will ensure that the international organisation has provided adequate safeguards for your personal data. If an event was being hosted in a country where we cannot guarantee the adequacy of safeguards, we will only transfer your information with your explicit consent. Specific details of these transfer will be provided with the event information.

Please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) if you require any further information relating to international transfers.


Your rights in respect of your personal information

You have important rights under data protection law. In summary these include:

  • To be informed about how your information is processed

We hope that the information in our privacy notice has achieved this but please contact our DPO if there is any additional information you require.

  • To access any personal data held about you

You have the right to see the personal information we hold about you. This is called a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR/SAR). You can log in to your account at any time to view the information we hold about you on your membership account. You can also request a copy of any other personal information that we hold by writing to our DPO. If you wish, you can make your request using the British Gymnastics DSAR form .

If we do hold information about you, we will:

– Describe the information we hold and tell you why we are holding it;

– Tell you who it could be shared with; and

– Provide you with a copy of the requested information in an easy to understand format.


Alternatively, if your request is straight forward, we will try to deal with your request informally, for example by providing you with the specific information you need over the telephone where appropriate. If the information relates to a specific activity, you can contact the relevant British Gymnastics department that is responsible for the activity.

  • To have your data rectified if it is inaccurate

If we do hold information about you, you can ask us to correct or amend any inaccurate or incomplete information by contacting us in writing at the address below. We will either make the requested amendments or provide an explanation as to why we are not making changes.

  • To have your data deleted (except if there is a valid lawful reason to retain it)

You can also log in at any point to amend or delete some of the information held in your membership account that has changed or is no longer accurate.

You have a right to request the deletion of your information in advance of the above retention periods. We will delete this information unless there is a lawful reason for the information to be retained.

Where you have given us your consent for your personal information to be used for a particular purpose, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. You may do so by contacting us using the contact details below or in the case of marketing, by amending your preferences in your member account. Your withdrawal of consent will not affect any use of the data that was made before you withdrew your consent.

  • To have your information restricted or blocked from processing

If you object to processing, we will restrict the processing of your information for the purpose to which you are objecting whilst we review your objection.

  • To portability

This means where the information you have provided is moved or transferred to an alternative provider. If you move clubs, you can amend the club to which you are attached at any time in your membership account settings. If you wish to move clubs, you can transfer your information to another club by logging into ‘My Account’ on the British Gymnastics system. Alternatively, if you leave your club, the information you provided on behalf of the club will be archived on the British Gymnastics system for 60 days and will be deleted after this has lapsed. During this period, you can still transfer the relevant information to another club.

  • To object to:

 Any processing based on legitimate interests

 Any automated decision-making including profiling

The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (including profiling) that produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you

 Your personal information being used for direct marketing activities

If you object to any direct marketing we undertake, including any profiling we undertake related to this activity (where we decide that a communication would be of interest based on your membership profile) we will no longer use your information for these purposes.

Click her to learn more about your rights

To exercise any of these rights or if you have any questions about our membership privacy notice please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) on the contact details provided below.

While we hope to be able to resolve any concerns you have about the way that we are processing your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you believe your data has been processed in a way that does not comply with the GDPR or have any wider concerns about our compliance with data protection law. You can do so by calling the ICO helpline on 0303 123 1113 or via their website.


Changes to our privacy notices

We keep our privacy notices under regular review. This notice was last updated on 20th August 2020.

September 2020 changes

We have updated the ‘About us’ section to reflect our relationships with our affiliated organisation and included information about the ABGI. and added grant providers and affiliated and partner organisations as additional sources of personal data. We have included information about the processing we undertake if you are a coach or official at a British Gymnastics squad or domestic or international event and identified specific recipients or categories of recipient with whom we share personal data. This includes Dotmailer who now provides our communications platforms, other international gymnastics organisations and sport councils and sports institutes. We have also updated the section on transfers of data outside the EEA (in light of the European Court of Justice ruling on 16th July 2020, that the EU-US Privacy Shield is invalid) to reflect that any transfers to the US will rely on Standard Contractual Clauses and will implement additional safeguards in accordance with ICO guidance.


How to contact us

We hope that you have found this information helpful but if you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) who will be pleased to help you.

Data Protection Officer
British Gymnastics
Lilleshall NSC
Nr Newport
TF10 9AT