The role of the Level 1 Coach

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The role of the Level 1 Coach

Overview of topic

Your roles and responsibilities as a Level 1 coach include:

• Maintaining a safe environment through good coaching practice.

• Involving all your gymnast’s equally in the session.

• Keeping to the timetable and the programme you have been given by your Lead Coach.

• Planning any allocated activities in advance.

• Progressing gymnasts’ skills and abilities within your own coaching syllabus.


As a Level 1 coach you will be working under the guidance of a Level 2 coach or a Gymnastics Activity Instructor.  They will be responsible for planning and overseeing the session, however they may ask you to plan for a specific activity.  You may coach alongside your Lead Coach, or they may ask you to take a small group of gymnasts to work on an activity.

Further information

Qualities of a Level 1 Coach:

• You should make your sessions fun for the gymnasts.

• You should be enthusiastic and motivating, you have an opportunity to share your passion for gymnastics with future generations.

• Share the session goals with your gymnasts so that they know what they are working towards.

• Ensure appropriate behaviour within own group.

• Feedback on groups progress and any concerns to the Lead coach.

It's a fact...

Giving clear instruction is key to your role. How to give clear instructions:

STOP – gain attention.
AIMS – state the session aims.
WHAT – is the activity.
WHY – link to the session goals.
HOW – explain with emphasis on key points.
WHO – consider your audience (age, experience).
WHEN – give timings.
CHECK – understanding.

Top tips

• Be a good communicator – consider your verbal, non-verbal communication and use questioning when you communicate with others.

• Listening is key to effective communication and is essential for coaching. Make sure you actively listen to your gymnasts, lead coach and peers.

• Vary your coaching approach dependant on your gymnasts’ needs.

• Make your sessions fun! Your gymnasts will learn more in a fun and safe environment.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I access more information about my role as a Level 1 Coach?

You should continue to use your resources from your course as a reference tool and for new ideas.

What are my next steps in my coaching journey?

British Gymnastics offers a variety of courses for you to develop and expand your knowledge. Once you reach 18 years old you can attend a UKCC Level 2 course in the same discipline or attend a Gymnastics Activity Instructor course which will allow you to independently deliver. You can expand your knowledge of gymnastics by looking at the different disciplines we have to offer or CPD courses such as Preschool, Disability add on module or Freestyle. More information can be found on the courses area of the website.

Keep talking to your Lead Coach about your aspirations so they can support and advise you on the steps to achieve this.

What guidance should I follow if I am a Level 1 coach in one discipline but a Level 2 coach in another discipline?

As an example, if you are a Level 2 Women's Artistic coach with a Level 1 Acro qualification, you are able to lead a session and deliver skills that are included in your Level 2 Women's Artistic syllabus, and any skills from your Level 1 Acro.

If you are leading a session as a Level 2 in one discipline, and have a Level 1 in another discipline assisting you, the Level 1 will only be able to deliver skills that are included in your Level 2 qualification.

Will I get asked to be responsible for any Helpers or young volunteers?

Your Lead Coach may also include young volunteers or Helpers in the session. Your role will be to be a positive role model, as the next part of the journey for these Helpers and young volunteers may be to complete their Level 1 course. You can provide them with real life experience of how your Level 1 journey has been so far, and may even be able to assist them with some handy hints & tips for when they start their course. Always try to make any young volunteers or Helpers feel welcome, and include them in the session where relevant.

Where can I get further support?

If you need further support during your Level 1 journey, please contact with your questions and they will be able to assist you.


To use different Coaching Styles:

Show & Tell
Combines a demonstration with clear instructions. This style is well-suited when learning a new skill.

Set up & stand back
Set up with clear instructions and then the coach will observe. This gives gymnasts some control and opportunity to experiment.

Question & Involve
Engages and motivates participants to think about their actions. It empowers gymnasts by enabling them to identify ways to improve their own performance.

British Gymnastics Courses


More information can be found on the courses area of the website.