
Welcome to Club Hub Resources

As part of your club’s British Gymnastics membership, Club Hub Resources is here to help you on a day-to-day basis. In here you will find a library of information and resources to support you in the running of your club.

We’ll be releasing new content each month to keep you informed of our latest guidance and best practice. If you work in a registered British Gymnastics club you can request free access to Club Hub Resources here.

New Content

Flexibility Training

Flexibility Training

The Safeguarding Policy: Flexibility Training outlines the mandatory points which clubs and coaches must follow to ensure safe practices around flexibility are followed and implemented.

#BeTheChange Toolkit

#BeTheChange Toolkit

Our #BeTheChange Campaign is all about promoting a safe and fair gymnastics for all. We’ve developed a long-term campaign to promote a safer and fairer sport for all.

Markel – free legal support for clubs

Markel – free legal support for clubs

Markel is the British Gymnastics partner for legal support, they empower you to start, manage and grow your club thanks to their comprehensive legal and business solutions platform and access to experts when you need them.

Pain, Injury & Illness

Pain, Injury & Illness

The Safe Sport: Pain, Injury and Illness policy outlines the mandatory points which clubs and coaches must follow to ensure safe practice around pain. injury and illness are followed and implemented.

Weighing Gymnasts

Weighing Gymnasts

The Safe Sport: Weighing Policy outlines the mandatory points which clubs and coaches must follow to ensure safe practices around weighing gymnasts are followed and implemented.


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